This is the homepage for the DSIDTB project at SourceForge.

The DSIDTB Project

DSIDTB stands for DAISY Software Initiative for Digital Talking Books.

DAISY Consortium

The DAISY Consortium was formed in May, 1996 by talking-book libraries to lead the worldwide transition from analogue to Digital Talking Books. DAISY denotes the Digital Accessible Information SYstem. Further information is available on the web site

DSIDTB Project

The DSIDTB Project is an Open Source initiative of the DAISY Consortium to develop tools and utilities related to the DAISY Standards.

DAISY Standards

There are currently two co-existing DAISY standards. Both describe consistent ways to produce and play Digital Talking Books (DTB). Both support from text-only to audio-only through full synchronization of text and audio.

DSIDTB targets these two standards and aims at providing tools and utilities for both of them. Logo Valid XHTML 1.0!

Markus Gylling